Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy (almost) Easter!

Happy Birthday Sammy!! He is FIVE today. I can hardly believe it. Sammy LOVES sports and Star Wars. What a combo! He is fun-loving and adventurous, & always offering a helping hand.
We love you Sam and are so thankful for how God made you!!

The three stooges at swimming lessons. We have quite the routine down for Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Leila and I sit and watch, eat a snack, and draw, while these little fish learn the front crawl.

"Mom! Watch how I can swim under water!"

My mom and the girls and I brought Granny to the airport in Chicago, and stopped at Granny's favorite mall along the way, Gurnee Mills. She used to live just a couple of miles from this mall, and has made lots of friends while she and her sister walked laps. We had a blast!

These two are both first-borns and good friends. They are a lot alike :) 

Silas was a bit nervous  excited for his first dentist appointment; hence, the towel. He did really well! He has twenty teeth and is proud of it. He also has a bite that will need correction in the future. Oye :)

Sweet dreams, little one!

The last couple of days have given me a glimpse of what the next couple of months will be like....bikes, balls and walks, oh my! These kids would play outside 24/7 if we let them. So thankful for spring!

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