Tuesday, January 31, 2012

iphone updates

 I've heard that when you are behind on something, like lets say scrapbooking or blogging for example, the easiest way to catch up is to start from the most current and work backwards. I've got tons of pics from Christmas and birthdays, but since those were so last month, I will start with the most recent...all four in one picture! This is nearly impossible these days....

 My girls! As for eye color, we have one boy and one girl with blue eyes and one boy and one girl with brown eyes. The two oldest are brown, the two youngest are blue...so fascinating!!

Being goofy as always :)

 Here we are at our favorite park on a warm winter day...this is our favorite hill at the favorite park (facing the neighborhood). GG was with us this time, and she attempted a long roll down the hill...no pictures to show it! What a trooper!!

My shadow...

Sammy on the swings...

Gretta too; they both loved the underducks...

And Sy loved the freedom of a big kid swing...he held on for life :) Is Lei still sleeping in her stroller?...

Nope...she's wide awake!

 Sammy LOVES doing headstands, and he is getting pretty good (with a little help)! I think Linds and I lived half of our childhood upside down...there's something about that view :)

 Rooster Leila just woke up from a nap...you should see the curls after a bath!!

 And of course a thumb picture. Lately, her index finger has been her favored one...

And finally, our trip to the Library to read to Keeva (the little dog between Sam and the Lady in red)...I totally thought Keeva would be a golden retriever, so we got quite the surprise when we first met her!

Even though we've had a very large dog for 5ish years, the kids are extremely afraid of other dogs...Silas was the most brave, even letting Keeva lick his face....
And Gretta...well, she was perfectly content reading to Keeva while she sat on her owners lap.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Four Months

Leila Lou turned four months old yesterday. I was just sitting here folding mounds of laundry and caught her gaze. She giggled and breathed in real deep like she was so satisfied. Then she found her thumb, the one on her left hand (I've been studying her,  and as far as I can tell, she always picks the one on the left hand). I continued to fold, and caught her gaze again. Giggle. Deep breath. Thumb in mouth. Repeat. Daughter, I too, am satisfied. Satisfied in God. And so thankful He chose me to be your mommy.