Saturday, November 30, 2013

It's a.....

Surprise! Pretty sure if we wanted to find out if this little one is a boy or girl, we wouldn't have been able to. We decided not to find out going into it, but I was thankful that this little one wouldn't budge so we couldn't change our minds :) Praising God for 5 months of a healthy pregnancy. A few more months to go! By far the fastest pregnancy yet. 

November is one of the fullest months we have all year, with birthdays and anniversaries and holidays, oh my! We started the month with crazy hair day at AWANA (Approved workmen are not ashamed...based on 2 Timothy 2:15, "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth). 

Sister love!

The kiddos have not taken a bath together in FOR-e-VER. We needed to get things done quick this morning, but not sure all in one tub was the best solution. They had fun though!

We took a trip to the Barlow Planetarium with a bunch of other families, and learned about constellations and how to find them in the sky. The show was dynamic and the kids loved it!

Our traditional triple birthday party hosted by Jer and Lo once again! We had a good time eating sloppy joes and chicken soup, followed by great conversations and gift opening. 

Cousins from left to right: Sam, Grey, Leila, Sy, Jax & Gretta

Daddy's special homemade cake for his birthday. We love you daddy!

Here's Sy opening a special present from Aunt Reena and Uncle Roj on his birthday morning. We celebrated (by request) with blueberry pancakes.

Red Robin turned out to be the ULTIMATE for all four kids! They were digging their diet Sprite (something they never get at home...I am not a proponent for diet soda, but when it comes to blood sugars and special occasions, it seems to be the better choice!) The staff sang to Silas and he got his very own ice cream sundae, which he so graciously shared with his brother and sisters.

Sy weighed in at 36 pounds at his four year check, & as our pediatrician said, short & husky! Silas is a bundle of energy and loves to make everyone laugh. He often flings himself on me and says, "I love you mom!". He is just becoming interested in school work, and wants his own math assignments, so I am often scrambling to throw something together for him while the others are doing their school work. He is so lovable. Good thing, because some days......!!

Gretta and I made some thankful turkeys for Thanksgiving. 

We celebrated Thanksgiving lunch at Phil and Danielle's beautiful new home with my parents and her parents. They are also expecting in April! 

From November 23rd to December 18th, we will have a 6,5 &4 year old and a 2 year old :) This is probably one of my favorite times age-wise, because it takes zero effort when people ask how old they all are.

Our monthly "prego" picture!

Danielle and her parents~ so great to see them again. All the way from GA! 

GG & Gampy with the crew.

And finally, we celebrated Thanksgiving dinner at Uncle Roj and Aunt Reena's. A bedtime story from Grandma Lo before we left. We have so much to be thankful for!!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

We're Pumped!

Gretta started her insulin pump a week ago. We are in the middle of a two week boot camp of checking her blood sugar every two hours around the clock and no snacking. We are learning a lot about her body and how it responds to carbohydrates and insulin!

These couple of pictures were taken at Bayshore park on Gretta's two year anniversary of being diagnosed. We played and grilled out...yum!

Daddy and Sam resting by the "big ship".

Best Buds

Crocodile Style

My cousin Beth got married a few weekends ago, and the rainy morning turned into quite a beautiful afternoon for an outdoor wedding! Above, they are tying a knot to symbolize their commitment.

All dressed up and a wedding to attend :)

May as well use the props as a backdrop!


My prego buddy and beautiful sister in law Danielle...we try to get pictures every month of us together..hey if Leila can look so cute in a frame.... :)

A field trip to Barkhausen studying the ecology of the pond and getting our hands dirty.

A glimpse into the life of our two year old...don't open the cupboard!

Let the potty training begin! But not before a trip to the salon and a cup of chocolate pudding :)

Trick or Treating in Sherwood and celebrating cousin Grey's (the adorable monkey) second birthday.

Dum dum da dum....beautiful bride!


A mix of characters, but all superhero :)

"Meow" for now!

Friday, October 4, 2013

The Beginning of Fall

Leila turned two this month. She is learning new words and smarter than she should be. "My Daddy loves me" and "Momma says, "Buckle Up!"" are two of her famous lines.

Brothers adoring their sister. Today they had her at the bottom of a pillow pile. We will see what tomorrow brings :)

Leila's "Rella" cake


One last sprinkler bash for the summer with our cousins!

Super sweet faces Gretta and Allison!

Johnny, Sam and Sy, who is who?

Only in Green Bay...

Gampy's Birthday party at the cabin where we shared our latest news...(see below!)

GG and Gretta, two peas in a pod!

A rainbow on the way to pretty!

We did some hiking and found this at the end...

Three happy hikers

Into the woods with GG and Gampy

Resting after trying to keep up with Granny!

We went to the wildlife sanctuary to feed the ducks with some great friends on a beautiful day. 


Up North with Grandma Lo and Grandpa Jer

Gretta labeled a leaf with everyone's name and make it a part of the place setting. So creative!

One thing I love about being up north is how the kids find so much to be entertained with. Here, Gretta is showing a stick she found in the shape of antlers.

These two are inseparable.

Getting ready to cast some line!

Uh-Oh. We didn't get very far until one of the wheels fell off of the wagon. 

Sy got the first catch.

Gretta's small mouth bass

Another catch for Sy...

Sam's Rock Bass

Leila's just a catch herself :) No fish this time :)

And last but not least, here were are getting ready to hear baby #5s heart beat. So special to have everyone along!