Monday, November 28, 2011


It seems like a productive day; at least on the outside. The washing machine is running, the kitchen table is full of folded clothes soon to be put away. The turkey's in the oven, the sweet aroma of french bread will soon be filling the kitchen, not to mention two kids are napping and another two are upstairs (mostly) giggling over a hand-me-down bag of boys dress up costumes from GG.

But on the inside I started to dwell on things that would be nice to have that we don't have, like a warm fireplace, or more bedrooms to fill more little ones, or blinds on our patio door. My "wanter radar" as one of the kids books calls it was running sky high. When my eyes began to fill with a few tears, I knew a heart check was in order. Off to my knees in the most quiet place I can think of right now, my bedroom floor. In that place, I confessed my seemingly increasing dissatisfaction with what we have been given, and then turned to the daily devo I committed to reading for the next thirty-one days. Maybe none of this would have occurred if I would have read it this morning instead of at 1:30 in the afternoon :)

In 'Pierced by the Word', Piper points to Psalm 135:15-18: The idols of the nations are silver and gold, the work of human hands. They have mouths, but they do not speak; they have eyes, but they do not see; they have ears, but they do not hear, nor is there any breath in their mouths. Those who make them become like them, so do all who trust in them".  Earlier in the devo he said, "It is our created nature to make much of God....When we fulfill this reason for being, we have substance. Not to fulfill this purpose for human existance is to be a mere shadow of the substance we were created to make. Pray along with me that God would make us "feel the suicidal faith in innocent idols and give us fresh freedom from all hallow gems".

Leila Lou

"Giggle butts" is sometimes what we call her. It is funny to hear the kids say it as I can see the reels turning in their minds, "what exactly does 'giggle butts' mean?" I'm not sure what it means; just that she giggles a lot, and giggles more when you say it.

Friday, November 25, 2011

November News

 Here is Leila's 2 month picture.  It's funny to hear who people think she looks like. I often hear a confident "I think she looks just like _____ " but it's never the same family member. I guess we all look alike!

Leila has been such a sweet and happy baby. She is easy to get to laugh, loves taking it easy in her swing, and is never bored with all of the sibling attention around here.

 We had a triple birthday party this month for Tim, Brian and Silas, whose birthdays are all within five days of each other. Sy's latest is counting to 10 but before he gets to 10, he seems to be fond of one number specifically, "1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..". He makes us laugh!

 For the party, we made homemade pizza pockets. Sammy put a little of everything in his...such a good eater!

 Grandma and Grandma holding their newest grandkids, Grey and Leila.

The only picture I have of the guys, and Tim isn't even in it :( Funny how picture taking by the time the third kid turns two just isn't approached with quite the same effort :)

 Cousins Johnny, Sy, Allison, Leila, Sam, Gretta and Grey all in pjs.

 Play date at our house...thanks Amy, Janelle and Mary for all of the fun!...oh wait, the playdate was for the kids?!

 Cousins John, Amie and grown up!

 "Leila Lou" celebrating a Packer win at Auntie Karens :) She will have to wait until next year to try the turkey.

 After a few bribes of cookies and gum, they all sat on the same couch for about 3 seconds :)

The boys are up north with Daddy, so Gretta, Leila and I had some sweet girls time starting off at Hobby Lobby where we found some paper dolls. We went out to lunch at Mc Ds and finished the day strong with puzzles, Candy Land, window clings and a Christmas movie. I don't remember the last time our house was this quiet! But still, we are excited to welcome the boys back tomorrow!