Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January 2013

January was a full month, the pictures hardly describe it! The kids had a really fun time with both grandparents one weekend, & Tim had a trip to Florence ice fishing another. Here are a few other odds and ends from the month...

 The kids were so excited Tim took these icicles off the roof...some icicles stood taller than they did!

 Before the seats are taken...

And the artists at work...

 One picture of a really fun weekend with my friend Ashley...a trip to Milwaukee, lots of shopping, rest, reading & chatting! One of my favorite Christmas gifts, thanks to our hubbys!

Gretta's outfit from our trip to Milwaukee. The whole outfit=less than $15! We found some bargains!

 We started doing mail ordering for Gretta's supplies. It is such a blessing to get 90 days worth of supplies right to our door!

Gretta's one year check up.

 Leila's hanging out on the steps just waiting to get her picture taken.

And finally, a sweet treat from some friends to cheer up Tim during a rough couple of days with a bad virus. The cookies were yummy!

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