Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Latest...

Silas turned three this month. Whatever happend to the "3" candle, anyway?! A "4" will have to do! (just don't let it burn too long, we'll need it again next year :)

We had a tripple birthday party since Daddy, Uncle Bri and Sy's birthdays are within days of each other. Sy was really hoping for a Spidey cake, but didn't want frosting on his nose :)

That's better!

I wonder what Great Grandma is thinking. Maybe, "Wow, five years sure changes things!" It is always a joy to have her there! GG and Gampy came too. I will have to see if they got any more pictures than I did! (Sammy is holding cousin Grey).

Sy's 3 year check up... I took just him and Leila, and I think he felt pretty special!

Tim cooked a turkey last weekend, so each dinner this week was something like "Turkey and wild rice soup", "Turkey fried rice"etc. Tonight we were having soup and I handed Sy the spoons and asked him to set the table. This is what I found. He he!

We recently participated in an Operation Christmas Child shoe box packing night at our church. In the past we have brought in 30-40 boxes. This year we asked the Lord to bring in 100 boxes through our church, and the grand total was 133! God is our provider!

GG with Gretta and Cousin Johanna at Granny's 83rd birthday party and our Thanksgiving celebration. 

I love this pic of Sam, Leia (our neighbor), Gretta, and Sy, (somewhat) patiently waiting for lunch.

Here is Leia again wearing one of the cutest hats I've ever seen.

Gretta, Leila and Sy are watching Sam in his tumbling class. Sammy loves trying to do head stands, balancing on the beam, and swinging on the bars.

Tim and I had a date night a few months ago at Barnes, and stumbled across this book on Newfy's as we were reminiscing about Digory. We were laughing so hard at the captions and the true to life looks on these dog's faces. Thought you would enjoy a laugh as well :)

And finally, proof that Leila has taken some steps (her preferred method is still crawling, although she is toddling around more and more!).

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