Sunday, December 30, 2012

From our home to yours, Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Gremores!
Gretta (6), Sam (4), Silas (3), Leila (1)

Our first Christmas celebration at GG and Gampy's house happened two weeks before Christmas. We had so much fun enjoying the day eating 3 meals plus snacks, playing Eye Spy, sitting by the fire, and opening presents. 

We have had the honor and tradition of cutting down a tree from Great-Grandma's yard since we have lived in this house. Each year Tim and I take turns with the lights/style of the tree. Tim likes the big colorful "outdoor" lights :) and I like the pretty glowing white lights. But I love that he loves the big lights, so I would have to say I love the big lights too!!

 Before opening gifts, Tim and I made a big breakfast, followed by reading about Jesus' birth, and setting up our nativity scene. Here is Silas playing with Sam's Star Wars mask.

This turned out to be the ultimate gift...a light saber! Funny that the night before, I was talking to Tim about what we got each child. I just wasn't sure I got Sammy something he would really enjoy. The proof is in the picture- he (and everyone else!) loved it!

 Grets set her ballerina barbies aside to read her new Junior Clubhouse magazine while Leila....

...found Sy's Cars racetrack. 

This is Grandma Lo and Grandpa Jer's tree. We ate a lot, schooled the guys in pictionary :) and enjoyed sledding and opening gifts. We also finally get to share that our nephew Grey will be a big brother this summer!!

Here are the kids warming up in front of a huge fire after a sleigh ride with our church family at 
Rock K Ranch in Greenleaf.

Our first snowman this winter.

 Gretta and Ally are all ready for a smaller rendition of The Nutcracker at the Meyer Theater in Green Bay. They were at the edge of their seats for the whole show!

The boys and Leila and I joined our friends Ashley, Josiah, Serena, and Ezra for a trip to the National Railroad Museum. The lady behind the counter was blowing a train whistle, and the boys could not figure out where the noise was coming from. So cute!

 Gretta taught Leila to make this face, so we call it "The Gretta Face". Lou tilts her head down and peaks up for a short time, and then giggles.

 Speaking of Gretta...she turned 6 this month! She had a tea party at Grandma's with some friends, and another birthday party with the whole family. She seems to be growing out of little tantrums, and it is such a joy to see her help her younger siblings, create art work, sing, and devour book after book. 

Tim's Aunt Mary had 5 boys, and here is her son (Tim's cousin) Jon getting married to Bonnie on December 1st. Congratulations!!

Batman and Leila waiting for breakfast... 

 Here's our future Packer fan getting ready for next Saturday's game against the Vikes. 
Go Pack Go!

A Visit from Santa

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Latest...

Silas turned three this month. Whatever happend to the "3" candle, anyway?! A "4" will have to do! (just don't let it burn too long, we'll need it again next year :)

We had a tripple birthday party since Daddy, Uncle Bri and Sy's birthdays are within days of each other. Sy was really hoping for a Spidey cake, but didn't want frosting on his nose :)

That's better!

I wonder what Great Grandma is thinking. Maybe, "Wow, five years sure changes things!" It is always a joy to have her there! GG and Gampy came too. I will have to see if they got any more pictures than I did! (Sammy is holding cousin Grey).

Sy's 3 year check up... I took just him and Leila, and I think he felt pretty special!

Tim cooked a turkey last weekend, so each dinner this week was something like "Turkey and wild rice soup", "Turkey fried rice"etc. Tonight we were having soup and I handed Sy the spoons and asked him to set the table. This is what I found. He he!

We recently participated in an Operation Christmas Child shoe box packing night at our church. In the past we have brought in 30-40 boxes. This year we asked the Lord to bring in 100 boxes through our church, and the grand total was 133! God is our provider!

GG with Gretta and Cousin Johanna at Granny's 83rd birthday party and our Thanksgiving celebration. 

I love this pic of Sam, Leia (our neighbor), Gretta, and Sy, (somewhat) patiently waiting for lunch.

Here is Leia again wearing one of the cutest hats I've ever seen.

Gretta, Leila and Sy are watching Sam in his tumbling class. Sammy loves trying to do head stands, balancing on the beam, and swinging on the bars.

Tim and I had a date night a few months ago at Barnes, and stumbled across this book on Newfy's as we were reminiscing about Digory. We were laughing so hard at the captions and the true to life looks on these dog's faces. Thought you would enjoy a laugh as well :)

And finally, proof that Leila has taken some steps (her preferred method is still crawling, although she is toddling around more and more!).

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Red Rover Red Rover October's Almost Over

There's something about tv trays that make school work more fun...
...add a little shaving cream to the mix and we've got not only smart kids (he he), but great smelling kids too :)

 One of our latest trips to the park... I might or might not have been balancing granola bars on my head to get the desired effect.

Since Sam learned how to ride a bike without training wheels, Sy has been wholeheartedly practicing when ever he can. But when an adult is not available for assistance, he motors away on his trike. See below. I think it's really cute.

A group of us that work in children's ministry at church had the sweet opportunity to go to Chicago for a KidMin conference earlier in the month. This is how our table was set during one of the 8 hour seminars. They helped us cast vision and kept us pretty busy!!

 Our nephew Grey turned one on Saturday! Here he is fascinated by the shiny bow.

 This is the cake that Grey's AMAZING mom made! Amber has been working on this party since August, and it really showed...from hanging vines to animal cracker treat bags, she covered it all!

We dressed up in costumes for the party (Sherwood happened to have trick or treating that same day). Someone was crying over spilled milk....

The kids started gym class last Friday, & here is the "under age 9" group. It was so fun to watch them play all different types of tag, and then have open swim for an hour afterwards.

 Leila's face was priceless at the start of this hot rod ride in the mall (normally I let the kids sit in them if we pass them, but since we were with Grandma, she didn't hesitate to hand out quarters!). Eventually, Leila got in the groove, but was a bit shocked at first that those things even moved.

 A couple of pics from our week long camping trip to the Pine in Florence County. We had an amazing week, right at the peek of the changing colors.

Here was our view from one of the campsites. I sat here one afternoon quietly listening to worship music and thanking God for who He Is. Nothing short of Amazing.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Vacations, Birthdays and Tumbling

Tim took the boys up north for a few days while the girls and I took the malls by storm and got our nails exactly :) We did have a blast, though, doing art projects, watching The Sound of Music, and visiting a new Children's Museum in the area (our team of  2 and one baby cut our admission costs in half :) In the meantime, Sammy was catching fish after fish!

Gretta earned up to $5 in spending money, so we took a trip to the craft store and she picked out a package of cardboard dolls, some paint, and some bright pink feathers. Our neighbor Leia came over and the girls enjoyed an afternoon of painting and play.

The whole unique vintage collection of dollies!

We also played ball outside and decorated the driveway with chalk art.


We took a trip to the country to visit Diggs at his new home. This is the first time Leila has seen him and she didn't seem either afraid or excited...mostly curious :)

We had a double birthday party celebrating Leila's first year and Grandma GG. I have zero pics from the party... I laugh when I think about Gretta's first party compared to Leila's! We had a fire, played games, and grilled out. 

We thank God all of the time for our sweet little one year old. The Lord fashioned her into this beautiful, curious, talkative, vibrant little girl and we look forward to watching His work in her life unfold!

Leila eating her first cupcake on her actual birthday, the Monday before the party... 

All four in one picture!! ha! It is possible :) 

After about 45 minutes of supposedly "quiet" play, his room was suddenly silent. I peaked in to find Silas out cold on the floor. I totally understand, buddy!

Gretta had her check-up almost a year after being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Her numbers were great, and she seemed to think the doctor was pretty funny. Im humbled by all of the help we have had from family and friends during this journey, and especially for the Lord's comfort and guidance. Not to us, but to Him be the glory!!

A few months ago, the boys were playing rough in the living room (gasp!) and Sam hit his chin on a bench, which caused his bottom tooth to become loose. Just recently, while eating dinner, Sam bit into something hard resulting in a looser tooth and lots of wiggling. Out it came! 

Leila and her friend Quinn supporting the fluffy pink skirt look :)

Sam started his tumbling class on Mondays in the fall. He really liked this part...

But wasn't so sure about this part where the instructor had them guard a half-ball (but NO stepping on it) while they waited their turn. It has been fun to see him climb on things that were made for climbing on:)

Here is the crew trying to get Leila to dig in to her cupcake..

And here is Leia (Kendra Leia but she goes by Leia!), a little girl we watch a couple of days a week. Her mom said she speaks Spanglish, and I thought, oh, Im sure I will understand her...after all, I DO have a Spanish minor (has it really been nine years?!)