With so many photos and not so much time, here is a recap of a few months ago...with hopes to keep adding as the month continues :)

Our little Gretta giving dominos a shot...not without baby of course!

Sam trying to figure out the sippy cup. He's almost got it, just seems to choke more often than drink.

Diggs and Gretta up North in Florence. We had a great time hiking and watching for bear...

Diggs just digs being in the woods.

My favorite pic of Gretta dangling feet over the bridge.

She loves it up there too!

This water jug occupied Sam for at least an hour...take the top off...put it back on... etc.

Mom...bedtime already?

Sammy just loves cords, knobs, electronic things...anything non-toy. I found him trying to figure out the door knob.

...and later getting into doughnuts :) That's my guy!

Gretta and Daddy playing in the leaves.

Sam too!

Digory- not so much. Just resting.

Or plotting how he can stay up here for the rest of his life :)

"I love sand!" -Gretta

Back at Great Grandma and Grandpa's going for a walk.

The soon to be big brother :)

Always "picking on" Sam. Not so sure he doesn't mind the attention!

Gretta, want to try on Mommies glasses that you broke?

"Wow mom, even better this way!" -Gretta

"Yeah- I'd say so too" -Sam

Before Sam's first professional haircut.

And after- he did so well!

Here Grets and Sam are getting our garden ready. We planted seeds on Memorial Day and the countdown for fresh veggies has begun!

At the zoo with Grandma and Grandpa Gremore.


Diggs will spend 99% of his time here until the next snowfall.
1 comment:
Wow Natalie!!! I really miss you!!! Are you having another peanut!?! Congrats! I feel so disconnected... Like I said, I miss you! I'd love to catch up sometime!
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