"Sam, say cheeeeese!!!" -Gretta

Gretta wearing her new dress from Grandma GG

Soooo big!

Our friends Dave and Joy also visited this weekend with their daughters Ruby and Sadie. We had lots of fun attempting to get Packer player's autographs, swimming in the pool at their hotel, and trying to catch up in the midst of 2 babies and 2 toddlers :) Below Tim and Dave are holding Sam and Sadie...both four months old.

Christmas in August...thats what Great Grandma called her time with Gretta earlier this week. Sam, Gretta and I all went over for a delicious summer lunch, and Gretta stayed the night. Despite a long night and a missing pacifier, I think their time together was well worth it!

Gretta excited to play at Great Grandma's house

Sam getting some boxing tips from Great Grandpa

Couldn't be more content...book in hand and a pint-size rocking chair

The humble beginnings of our first (well...second, really) attempt at a vegetable garden (these are the before pictures taken in spring)...

With Great Grandpa's assistance, of course

Very weed-less, very nice

...and Va VA VOOM!! Just a few months later, the results:

Bunnies are not as cute to me as they used to be. After nibbling away our first round of peas and beans, we outsmarted them (so far) with a double duty fence

We had a visit from the Neumans earlier this month (or was it late July? my memory is fading!) Tim reading a story to Gretta and Ezra...his mom and dad were at Packer family night with his two older brothers. Ezra got to stay up later than normal (almost 8!) and loved the pizza we had for dinner.

Gretta trying to read Sam a story...

Not without hugs though.

Watching the Pack Attack practice. This lasted about as long as it took to take the picture...I forgot to bring snacks, so back home we went.

1 comment:
What precious children! It's fun to read your capitions!
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