Turning 4 is hard work!
Faces of History 2018
Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, Rosa Parks, Daniel Boon & Babe Ruth
Happy Birthday, Theo!
Red and black and white...
Letting her nails dry!
One of the last snow falls of the winter...
Happy Birthday Pierce!!!
No laughing allowed.
Trying a new do!
Getting ready for Easter- Gretta helped set the kids tables.
Celebrating Easter and Sammy's 10th Birthday!
And the adult table complete with china; complements of Auntie Karen <3 p="">
Enjoying the meal!
These noisy kids made sure we heard them singing the
Bill of Rights and the Preamble to the US constitution :P
Group pictures are fun!
Easter at Uncle Mike and Aunt Julie's, complete with 'staches.
We visited Grandma in her new home.
Gretta and Leila have one more practice, and then it's showtime!!
Les Miserables performed by Hosana Choir
And the record 24.2 inches from April 13-16; we will always remember this "spring"!
Shoveling and more shoveling...
"Cheese!" with Grandma Lo and Grandpa Jer
Donuts for breakfast- the birthday boy's choice!
Did anyone see Theo? See Yoda I can.
These three are memory masters!! What an adventure!! The Crosspoint lot was not plowed, so the Lord provided space at St. Marks. Despite a rearranged morning, they all passed with flying colors!
CC DePere 2017-2018
We had a lovely visit to MN this month, and enjoyed playing with these sweet friends!!
Rollerskating with a hiking stick...
Awana's year end celebration
Last year of Awana for some!
Theo and Reuel at GG and Gampys
Being silly! Over and out :)