Saturday, September 30, 2017

Pumpkin Days 2017

Every fall, Uncle Mike and Aunt Julie host a spectacular fall gathering- Pumpkin Days!

Theo is so independent. He loved riding on the wagon behind the tractor, even though earlier at breakfast he was a little more doubtful, "I might ride the tractor or I might not." 

Leila found her favorite pumpkin and then enjoyed the ride back which included a trip through the creek. She also loved playing with Theo in the house of hay, and running around outside.

Sam was non-stop the whole time- from football, to wresting cousins, to wagon pushes down the driveway, this guy will sleep good tonight!

It didn't take long for Silas to find his pumpkin, either. He also played hard, including football, baseball and volleyball. He had lots of treats and enjoyed the sun-shiney day.

Grandma by the tractor with her tractor shirt- how fun!

How sunny this fall?

Best buds Sam and Noah

Until next month....toot toot!

June, July, August & September!

I am not sure why this blog-break has been four months!! But I do know that this "Dark Beauty" turned 6 on September 10th! Leila Francine is a delightful girl whose giggle will steal anyone's affection! She loves to play with her dolls and her friends. She also loves 
running, kids meals, and anything sparkly and pretty. Thank you, Lord, for our sweet daughter!

Leila invited many friends to celebrate with her; we are so thankful so many could make it! 

We played dress up relays, beaded bracelets, decorated cupcakes, and ate them too.

These two!

Silas and Dad ran into someone special at a Brewers game- check that height!!

Up North- This is how we ride!

Gretta's first year at camp with roomies Braylin and Alaina

Sam and his buddies gearing up for a fun week

Spending some time at a park with Kendra too

Go Dodgers!

Sammy loved his team and is eager to play more ball next summer

Grandma and Grandpa treated us all to a trip to the zoo. Cheese!

Camping with friends, but never without dabbing :)

Sweet smiles

Time with friends = priceless

Cousin fun

Mom and Gretta date night- first fancy facials- tingly, but refreshing

A visit from Auntie Sarah- thank you for meeting us at a park in Appleton! We loved seeing you!

I couldn't resist adding this pic of swimmer Theo- his mouth is usually wide open whenever he is in water, he loves it so much and can't stop giggling!

My cousin Brandon's wedding- a beautiful bride...

and a goofy photo booth :)

So much more to share, but just a glimpse of what we have been up to the last couple of months. Life has been full as our school year is in full gear. We are living each day to the fullest, and hopefully blogging will be more a part of our lives- how I love looking back fondly at these fleeting moments! 
"Taste and see that the Lord is good; Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!" Psalm 34:8 NLT