Sammy Lewis (a.k.a spidey) is four years old today. He was almost named 'Milo Timothy' until we saw him (yes, we were those people :). We *quickly* scanned the Bible & a baby name book, not wanting to leave the hospital calling this sweet boy "little one" or something like that. Maybe even more, we wanted to tell his big sister what she could call him. We love the account of Samuel and Hannah, so Samuel it was. Lewis is after our love for the one and only C.S.
I wish I had pages to tell you about times like how Sammy spends 90 percent of the day in his undies and cape, or how he overcame his fear of the water seemingly overnight while we were in Georgia swimming with cousins, or how he is ALWAYS the last one at the table finishing his meal, and usually not because he doesn't like it. Maybe because he has the gift of gab. :) He loves sports and can't wait to go to "football class". He picked out his outfit above when we found out he was going up north with grandma and grandpa. As my dad and uncle Phil would say "RODNEY!"
Sammy loves these pjs he got for his birthday from GG and Gampy. Sy tried to wear them the other day, which left Sammy in tears. So since Sam got his pjs back, Sy has been coming downstairs in the morning with just a diaper. Not sure if he takes his own pjs off before bed or once he's awake...I'm just thankful (and surprised) that the diaper stays on.
Great Grandma and Grandma Lo with the boys.
Here's cousin Grey-Man, hanging out on the deck after the church service at our house celebrating Sammy's birthday party...yes it was one busy day!! He's taking it in stride :)
Most of the time, Silas wants to be just like Sam. Good thing Sam got two scooters for his birthday; they can each cruise around on one.
What is everybody looking at?
A big blue truck in the driveway delivering mulch. Tim (with lots of help from friends- thank you!!) has been working so hard on building up the foundation of our house and landscaping...a great reason to get out of the house and go to....
The park with Grandma GG! But you can't end a day at the park without...
Ice cream! I'll have chocolate please.
It's vanilla for this kid.
Grets was the first one done.
No ice cream for Lou...yet :) All she wants is mom to make those silly faces...
Some friends of ours will soon be moving to Minnesota...sniff sniff. We will miss you!!
They are not always like this. Trust me. That is why I grabbed the camera :) Goof balls!
We finally picked up Gretta's ballet dvd to watch with some friends, and today was the perfect rainy day to watch and eat popcorn. We had a blast, lets do it again!!