Remember the Apple Dumpling Gang? Tim rented the dvd for the kids a few weeks ago and based on the title, I thought it would have something to do with Strawberry Shortcake. Turns out it's a 1970's western film. I think the kids liked it. It might be what inspired Sammy to dress up as a (rough shape) cowboy.

Gretta wanted to be a movie star. Somehow, this is what she ended up wearing :)

If God chooses to bless us with any more boys that happen to be 6-18 months old in October, they will most likely dress up in this inherited Tigger costume.

Target clearance: 75% off for a grand total of 7 dollars! Perfect for dress up.

The kid's good friend Cohen turned 4 and had his birthday party at Monkey Joe's.

Silas could not take his eyes off MJ!! It was so funny. He didn't cry, he was just very interested.

Sam the brave one going down the big slide all by himself! He loved it.

Gretta did awesome too!

Me and Sy at his one year birthday party at our house. We celebrated Tim, Uncle Bri and Sy's birthday since they are all within 5 days of each other!

So happy to have Tim's cousin Amy and her husband David & two kids join us. They used to live in Fargo, & just bought a house less than 10 minutes away!

Silas thought he'd get more comfortable (pjs) before opening gifts. He had lots of help!

Auntie Amber and Uncle Bri sure know how to pick a toy!!

Opening more gifts...

My homemade tripple layer confetti cake...Sy wasn't sure about it at first...

But it sure didn't take long!

He loved it!

I think he's ready for another change of clothes...but first, a bath (don't mind the dishes :).
Happy 1st Birthday Silas Nathaniel! You truly are a gift from God to us. We are so grateful.