Happy Birthday Linds!! This blog update is for you :) I wish you could have tried this cake! It was so yummy. My friend Marianne made it for our "Bloom" group. Tim made breakfast AND a homemade blueberry pie, and we had a cook out in Wrightstown that night. Lots of delicious food! Unto some photos of the last couple of months...first on the list...camping!

All packed up and smelling good; ready to start our first family camping adventure!

This is one of my favorite pictures of Sam...pondering the meaning of life...or wondering why the neighbor dog still barks at us even after 2 years of being neighbors.

Here are a few pics from Peninsula State Park in Door County. We tented it for 5 days. I was ready to go home on the first day. None of us wanted to leave by the last.

While we were setting up camp we figured Sy would stay out of trouble (but not dirt) in his travel high chair (don't look too closely at his fingernails :)

Chicken stir fry...mmmm! We cooked most of our meals over Tim's hiking stove.

Here we are eating that meal. We didn't let the rain stop us from having a good time! Tim backed the van to our tent so we had a covering and dry chairs.

Sy's wardrobe for most of the trip...a fleece snow suit! He seemed to like it.

The vigorous climb up the Eagle Bluff Tower proved to be worth the amazing view.

Working on some bird houses for the Grandpas.

Snuggle time with Sy. Two happy campers :)

Next subject: our garden. This is our 3rd year with a garden. We planted on memorial day (did I say "we"? I meant Tim and Grandpa...the rest of us supervised & played cribbage:)

Here are the fabulous results after about seven weeks. Mmmmm!

Here is a Hydrangea Bush we planted. Last year it had one lonely blue blossom for the longest time. This year is quite a different story.

Speaking of landscaping, this is what we came home to last week after a delicious and comical dinner celebrating Uncle Phil's Birthday...I unfortunately don't have pictures of the dinner at Angelina's, but mannaged to pull out the camera for this.

Lots of rain + already wet ground + little time + leaky windows= wet basement. With the help of many fans, an industrial size wet/dry vac, & 2 dehumidifiers, the basement was dry in a few days. No complaints here. On the inspection of our neighbors basement, they were greeted by a floating freezer. Yikes.

Here is Silas at 7 months. Little did I know at the time that I used the same onesie for his 6 month picture. Not the only thing I have forgotten lately :)

Gretta's first dentist appointment! She did awesome! At one point, the dentist was showing her this sprayer-thing, and meant to put it on low, but got her full force on the bib. The hygenist and I both jumped, but Gret's was a trooper and acted like it didn't even faze her!

Gretta picked a purple ring and pink bubble gum (trident:) from the treasure box for a job well done. She told almost everyone we saw that week about her appointment and the treasures she chose! She also got a princess tooth brush and couldn't wait to throw her old one away.

Cousins Luke and Sam...playing football at the cottage on Bear Lake over the Fourth of July. They hit it off so well! We try to get a pic of them together everytime we see them because they are so close in age. Does anyone smell mischief? :)

Relaxing on the swing with Gampy.

The night we got home from camping we took Sammy's nuks away, cold turkey. Gretta went to Build-A-Bear and stuffed hers in the bear. Sammy got to pick out a mit and a ball. Here he is playing ball at the cottage. He loves it! Next step: getting rid of diapers.

Playing chase with cousin Noah on the other side of the family. The pjs are from Grandma Lo. They would wear them every night (and day) if they could.

Lots of running = good sleep tonight.

Great Grandpa received a turkey decoy for Father's Day. Don't tell him I posted this picture!! j/k

Here is Gretta dreaming about training camp. Go number twelve!

Sammy shows this face a lot lately. One would think he is extremely upset until...

the grin breaks through...

The icecream? It's called "Super Man". The kiddie cone was more like a two scooper & Sammy finished every last bite. Gretta asked for vanilla. :)

Is this a messy kid photo contest? Avocado in a dish & self-feeding; the only way he likes it!

Me with all three at once...how rare these photos opps are!!! Now we have to figure out how to photoshop Daddy in (and maybe Diggs).

Last but not least...bikers riding in style. Bound and determined...

Sammy insists on wearing his helmet everytime he rides his hot wheels big wheel (good boy).

"Could you point me to the gas station? This thing isn't moving..." -Silas

That's what a big brother and big sister are for!