Here we are at the airport almost 2 hours early. That hardly mattered; we were so excited to reunite with Linds, Josh and the has been 2 years for all of us except my mom who took a trip to China last year.
Here's Lily; much taller than I remembered :) But as cute and sweet as ever! So good to see everyone again :)
Grets and Cade really hit it off. As everyone else recovered from jet lag, Cade managed to go for a few walks, take a trip to the library, and play in the backyard all in one evening.
Caedmon and Sam riding in style.
Hadassah loving watching her big brother and sister at Bay Beach.
Here is Sam playing in the water in Door County. Tim's Grandma tured 80 in January, so to celebrate, we all took a weekend trip. Sammy loved splashing his feet in the water despite the numbing effects.
Gretta "chipmunk" Gremore enjoying the balcony. She had a blast swimming in the pool, playing in the sand, and especially getting so much attention :)
Not sure if I have ever seen them this close and still on the bench. Must be inthrawled by the papparazi
Sam not so sure at first...
But didn't want to leave in the end.
We went to a kiddie beach with some friends, and ejoyed some DQ after...mmmm...summer!
Annabelle and Gretta at Annabelle's 2nd birthday party. She will be staying with us for the weekend; can't wait to have her!
Can anybody say "Elaine"??? I get such a kick out of this move each time. He he.