On the Saturday before Easter, we went to GG and Gampy's to celebrate. They put together a special egg hunt for Gretta and Sam, created a crazy race for Uncle Phil, Tim and I (with a reward at the end...but the key was to climb in Jake's dog kennel...Phil won hands down!!), and grilled some really great brats and burgers.
Gampy helping Sam pick out a toy.
Each egg they found meant they could pick a treat from this box. Not sure if they ended up finding all of the eggs, but we came home with the whole box of goodies :)
Gretta and GG picking some connectable bunnies...
Uncle Phil connecting with his "bunny" side... he he... I told him I wouldn't put this on
facebook. This isnt facebook :)
Sam pulls this one off too well. He actually kept these on for a while!
Gretta was hesitant at first, but then wore them almost the whole time!
Sammy and Daddy
Stay tuned...more to come from Easter Sunday and Sammy's first birthday...