We recently spent an extended weekend in Fargo, ND visiting Tim's cousin Amy and her husband David and daughter Allison. Unfortunately, we hardly have any pictures of the trip, but here is one of Sam standing by himself!

"whoa, this balance thing is tricky...."

"crawling might be my thing for a while...." :)

Here is David trying out for the yellow belt in Taekwondo. "The seed is beginning to see the sunlight." He did really well!

The week before we left, we had a little visitor, Carly. Here, she is enjoying some bread and pears.

Sam and Carly wanted to go shopping...

While Gretta modeled what they bought :)

Gretta, did you happen to see my stickers?

Learning about shadows.

Gretta feeding Sam. She ate up every moment. Though they are almost the same size, this somehow worked.

Playing together so nice...for a while at least.

Clothes from Carly and her Mom for Gretta until Carly is big enough to wear them...the beauty of hand-me-downs! Thank you!

"I think it looks nice" -Sam