Collecting shells...

Notice that Sam is oblivious to his surroundings except for the strap on the backpack.

The beginnings of a sand castle

Back at home munching on broccoli...snack of champs.

These two are so unpredictable. Either hugging or pushing the other away. Can you guess who dictates in this relationship? :)

Sam's 5 month picture. He is such a goof. He giggles easily, even for strangers, and loves watching his big sister. He is starting to sit up without help but still has an occasional spill. No teeth yet, but lots of drool...

I had to put this one on here. It wasn't even planned; it just happened as I took the photo. Grets has been really "digging" Sesame Street lately, and has a few favorite characters including "so-ee" (Zoe), "nuf-me" (Snuffy) "er-nee" (Ernie of course) and especially "elllllmmmmo" (Elmo). She is really catching on to a few letters (A, O, G, and B to be specific), and if you ask her what her favorite color is, she will say "booooo" for blue. She can point to blue things, and even asked to wear the blue sweater below. Her friends name is "wi-wa" (Wila, a neighbor down the street), and if you ask her what B-A-B-Y spells, sometimes she says "bae-bee" but more often says and over-exagerated "DDDAAADDD!"(the first word we showed her how to spell) then laughs.

These big eyes melt my heart!

Hanging out with dad

Stinky feet!

September first was Grandpa Stoffel's birthday. We went to the cottage on Bear Lake to celebrate with him. Gretta's getting ready to swim, & sporting her all-time favorite hat (I found it at a rummage sale!).

Jumping off the dock with Gampy

Taking the wheel

Gretta insists on wearing her "Barbie" shoes. They have the name Barbie on them, and she heard me call them that once. Now she calls them Barbies.

Mom and Sam enjoying the ride

A late night walk...past bed time, but worth it!