Here is Sam's 3 Month picture...he is sitting on a non-slip grippy kitchen pad so he won't tumble over. Oh so handsome!

I was laughing so hard when I first saw this, I just had to get a picture!! This is one of Gretta's favorite dolls, taken such good care of.

An afternoon at Grandma GiGi's house with Gretta and Sam...it took a few tries to get everyone to look in the same direction.

Gretta is starting to really dig her little brother. She will lay next to him...point out his toes, fingers, and nose, and even help out with pacifier placement- Sam seems to think the world of her by the look on his face when she is around and helping out.

Gretta prying Sams mouth open with the nook, making sure it will fit.

We took the kids, a 150 pound newf, and a borrowed camper to Florence Wisconsin over the fourth of July and spent some time on the water, took a few walks in the woods, played lots of cribbage, and even stopped for icecream on the way out. Below is Grets sporting her new shades. I think she thinks we can't see her when she has them on. When she's wearing them, she walks around with her hands extended as if she will run into something that is actually not close enough to run into.

Sam and Grandpa on the boat. I bet he can't wait to fish like his Grandpa!

Sam and Grandma Gremore cuddling.

After a few days at the cabin, we went to Uncle Rick's cottage. Gretta is more interested in feeding this duck than riding on it.

Gretta being goofy in the car ride home. Sam and Gretta both slept almost the whole way back.

Gretta and Sam getting ready for Annabelle to come over.

We are watching 13 month old Annabelle for a week while her parents enjoy a trip to Austria with her dad's work. She will be a big sister this October. We are enjoying her joyful spirit; she is an easy baby to take care of!

The whole crew going for a walk this fine evening.