Independent. Intense. Into everything. These words describe our beautiful 14 month old daughter who took her first four steps on the 19th . Gretta is all girl, pink toe nails and all. I often find her sitting in little cheerleader poses as she is feeding her dollies or thumbing through her story books. She seems to find every piece of lint or crumb in her path and will hand it to me with an emphatic crescendoing , “hmmmmm”. From hearing the bark of our neighbors dog, to seeing a picture of anything remotely close to animal-looking, Gretta puckers her lips and offers little kisses to these furry friends. She’s had her fair share of face washes from Diggs, who is quick to clean up the food-covered floor under Gretta’s high chair- a new favorite spot of his. Gretta loves when daddy comes home from work, pointing when she hears the door open, “Da Daaad!” She loves spending time at the grandparent’s houses, where attention is far from sparse (not to mention extended bed times, long baths, and yummy treats!).